July 25, 2024 Instructions In Righteousness

America is the land of the free. It was founded by God with religious freedom, freedom of thought and speech, freedom to assemble, freedom from poverty, freedom to bear arms, and freedom from tyranny. Thank God it is now free from slavery as well. America was and is a light to the nations, a city set upon a hill for all to see, admire, and emulate. We thank God for these benefits but the only way to be free, and remain free, is to honor the God who gave us these freedoms. “Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom” 2 Cor. 3:17. There will be no freedom if we separate ourselves from the God of the Bible. Unless we seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness we will not have freedom. “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people”’ Pro. 14:34. National righteousness, or godliness in a nation, requires the government to lead with the Ten Commandments and Biblical morality. If we do, society will be greatly blessed, people will feel safe, and the economy will thrive. If we forsake the righteousness of God, severe judgments will follow.
Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States, said, “Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are a gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever.”
Today, many in America are focused on tearing things down. They want to tear down the traditional family, the natural identity of genders, the unborn child, successful business, national borders, our love for Israel, the Christian Church, free speech, peace on our streets, the government, and the American way of life.
This is an emboldened wave of darkness. In the Bible, it is known as the spirit of Jezebel. The spirit of Jezebel promises justice, but brings corruption. It promises liberty, but brings enslavement. It promises prosperity, but brings poverty. It promises personal pleasure, but brings pain and destruction. It is an ideology that is anti-Christ, anti-God, anti-Bible, anti-morality and anti-family. It is a vile infestation of sin and the wages of sin are judgment and death.
The Jezebel spirit is promoted through deception. It is the spirit of lawlessness; right becomes wrong and wrong becomes right. These lies are force-fed in universities, sensationalized in movies, promoted through the media, insisted upon by big business policies and legislated in political spheres. Jezebel formulates her conspiracy in every area of society to eventually destroy it. If the nation stays on this course, judgment will surely follow.
In the days of Elijah, Ahab, the king of Israel, married an evil priestess named Jezebel. The new queen brought her false gods into the nation. This was an ungodly alliance and, in America, the same thing has happened. Jezebel worshipped Baal, the false god of rain, and Asherah, the false god of fertility. She promised the people that if they worshipped the gods of rain and fertility, their crops would flourish and their economy would thrive; this may sound very familiar.
Then, God sent the prophet Elijah, who declared that it would not rain in Israel for three years. The crops dried up, famine covered the land, and the economy was destroyed. People were dying and they began to cry out to God. Elijah challenged Ahab to bring the prophets of Baal and Asherah to Mount Carmel to see whose God would answer by fire and be victorious over the other.
All day long, the 850 false prophets cried out to their gods to send fire upon the altar but nothing happened. Then Elijah prepared his altar and said, ““O Lord, answer me, so these people will know that you, O Lord, are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again.” Then the fire of the Lord fell and burned up the sacrifice…When all the people saw this, they fell prostrate and cried, “The Lord – he is God” 1 Kgs. 18:37-39. The people repented and turned back to the God of Abraham. Then Elijah prayed and rain came and the economy was restored. We need a showdown like that in America and we will have one. Many people are waking up to the evils of the so-called progressives. They are saying, “No more of this! As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

God spoke judgment over the church in Thyatira because she connected with Jezebel. He said, “I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel…she misleads my servants into sexual immorality” Rev. 2:20. Many in the church have refused to renounce Jezebel. Some believe the lie of “Separation of church and state.” They believe the church should not preach against the works of Jezebel in society because that would be political. That behavior ignores the world around us and tolerates Jezebel in society. The spirit of Jezebel has now infiltrated the Church and is after our children. God says He is against Christians who are passive in this regard. He is against those who tolerate Jezebel.
To combat the spirit of Jezebel, we need the spirit of Elijah, at work in the church and the nation. John the Baptist had that anointing and, in the early days of Christ’s ministry, he saw a revival at the River Jordan. The Bible promises that revival will come to America (See Rev. 7:9).
I am excited to report that more and more believers, pastors, and churches are rising to the challenge. They are preaching godliness and getting involved in society. Christians are becoming political, becoming active in their children’s school, and many godly movies are now being produced. Bible studies are popping up everywhere and people are gaining fresh hope. Praise God, the church is beginning to fight back.
We have a long way to go but the revolution has begun. As more souls are saved, our communities will be transformed. Jezebel will go on the warpath with threats and over-reaching wickedness, but Jesus will have the last word. Revival is coming; it cannot be stopped. Scripture says, “When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him” Isa. 59:19. Press on, people of God, the Lord of Hosts is on your side. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!
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Founder & President
Christian for Messiah Ministries
Pastor at Antioch International Church
Instructions in Righteousness is produced by “Christians for Messiah Ministries” (CFM). Dr. Peter Wyns is the President of CFM and the Head Pastor of Antioch International Church. He has served as a pastor for 54 years and ministered in more than 45 nations.
Carolyn Williams July 25, 2024
This study was spot on for today. Thank you for teaching God’s Word for inspiration, encouragement & HOPE to the Body of Christ! Blessings on this ministry.
Alemu Haile July 25, 2024
I really appreciate for your help. May the Almighty God bless you abundantly