Most of us are peace-loving romantics who desire a pastoral life of tranquility and dignity. We want righteousness to rule and evil to have no place in our world. We were made for love, not fighting. Unfortunately, the world of peace does not exist and cannot exist until Jesus returns and rules the nations with a rod of iron. For now, we find ourselves in a world of trouble. It is both near and far, and it requires our constant attention and our steady resolve. There are battles for faith, security, health, life, family, church, society, the nations, and a plethora of minor ones concerning so many details of our lives. Since we must fight, we should choose our battles. Some battles are not worth fighting. Fighting the wrong battles will wear us out and leave us incapable of fighting the battles that really matter. Choose your battles and when you do – fight to win.    


The Wrong Battles

Fighting for self-promotion, selfish ambition, and self gratification are terrible battles to fight. Those directives are a product of your pride and will always produce strife in relationships and lead to every kind of evil. Jesus warned us not to fight for those things when He said. “Whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.” Mt. 16:25

Understand the differences between preferences and convictions. A preference is what you like best, but that is not worth dying for. A conviction, on the other hand, is an essential that you might be willing to die for. Fight for your convictions, but not for your preferences. 

The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life are not from God and they will not last. (see 1Jn. 2:16)

Battles Worth Fighting

I suggest there are five major battles worth fighting. Here is the list. We will give more details later.

1. Fight for Faith

2. Fight for your Family

3. Fight for Life

4. Fight for your Nation

5. Perhaps, Now or In the Future – Fight for Israel

Fight for Faith

Paul fought the right fight, and he finished well and kept the faith. He said, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” 2 Tim. 4:7

“Fight the battle well, holding on to faith … some have rejected and so have suffered shipwreck.” 1Tim. 1:19

If you lose your faith in the Lord, you lose everything. Young people and mid-life-crisis folks be warned; without your faith you are set adrift on a deadly stormy sea. You can lose a lot of things in life and still survive, but losing your faith is catastrophic. Do not let that happen.

Your faith is connected to the people of God. Find a good home church and stay there. If church life blows apart the faith of many will fail. If you are a strong Christian, you may be able to keep your faith without being intimately connected to a church family, but your children, friends, and others who are watching you will not survive. Those weaker folk need the body of Christ, and to be frank, you do too.  Fight the good fight of faith.

Fight for Your Family

There is a strategic conspiracy aimed at stealing faith, corrupting, and if possible, destroying your family. The media and the liberal universities are manipulating the truth to produce a godless ideology among the masses and their primary target is children and young adults. Parents, it is your place to protect your family. Fight for your family. Give them a godly narrative and equip them to fight for their faith against a secular and increasingly pagan worldview. Be proactive in this regard for the devil is not sleeping. Be vigilant and guard the ones you love.

Fight for Life

About one million babies are aborted every year in the USA. About 60 million babies are killed in the womb every year around the world. This is a crime against God and humanity. In most countries this death march is deeply entrenched in the fabric of their society, but not so in America. The fight for life may still prevail in this nation. Do all that you can within the law to overturn Roe vs. Wade. Let us bring life back to America.

Fight for Your Country

The world is being shaken. One area of shaking involves a clash between nationalism and globalism. Our president has come down on the side of nationalism and so many others are fighting for globalism. Which one does the Bible emphasize? The Tower of Babel was globalism. A one-world government and the rise of the Antichrist is globalism. God is not for globalism until Jesus comes and rules over the whole earth. The Bible emphasizes nationalism. God makes the nations and gives them their appointed time and their boundaries so that the people of those nations might seek the Lord (see Acts 17:26) 

President Donald Trump is a nationalist. His slogan is, “Make America Great Again.” 

In every situation, he does his best to negotiate the greatest financial deal for the USA. He tries to put policies in place that will lower unemployment, reduce the national debt, keep the people safe, and make this land a better place. He even aims to protect the life of the unborn child who is living here.

Many people do not like him, but everyone who loves the USA should appreciate and defend this amazing president. All of us should fight for the wellbeing of America.

Fight for Israel

Stand with Israel. Even though your main support for Israel may happen in the future, still, do what you can now.

One day, the Lord will bring His throne to the temple mount in Jerusalem. He has chosen this place and the Jews are destined to serve Him there. God’s plan for Israel in the last days is central to His end-time directive and His eternal purpose. Romans 9:1-5, teaches us that God has given the Jews eight things. They are listed in these verses as follows; the adoption of sons, the divine glory, the temple worship, the covenants , the receiving of the Law, the patriarchs, the promises, and the human ancestry of Christ.

If we love Jesus and claim to be His disciples, we should seek His kingdom and bless what He blesses. Some misdirected Christians actually fight against the plans of God by resisting His blessings over the Jews. A large number of nations and people are anti-semetic. Even sections of the church fight against the purposes of God regarding Israel and the Jewish people.

When a believer prays for the peace of Jerusalem and fights for the wellbeing of Israel, they become obedient partners with heaven. Those who bless  Israel will be blessed, and those who curse her will be cursed (see Gen. 12).  

Fight battles worth fighting and do not fight the battles that are just distractions. Fight the good fight; lay hold on eternal life. Fight for the faith, for your family, for life, for America, and for Israel. Those are God’s battles. Those are the battles worth fighting. 


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