March 22, 2024 Instructions In Righteousness

Across the universe a call has gone out. God has invited you into fellowship with His Son. ‘Koinonia’ is Greek, and it literally means fellowship. Scripture says, “God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful” 1 Cor. 1:9. This is the endgame of Christianity – to have real fellowship with God and His people. Christian fellowship is not just getting together to sing or talk or mingle; it is the essence of sharing life together in a most meaningful way. Communion is the Last Supper, and in the Greek, communion is the word koinonia. It is our communion, our ‘common union’. It describes the interaction of rich fully-functioning, family life. It means drawing together as one with heartfelt sharing, caring, and protecting one another and having all things in common. Nothing is more enjoyable or fulfilling than godly koinonia. You were made for fellowship and without it you will never be complete.
John describes the reason for koinonia. “We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship [koinonia] with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. We write this to make your joy complete” 1 Jn. 1:3,4.
Notice the spiritual treasures in these verses. The purpose for witnessing, proclaiming, and sharing the testimony of Christ and His salvation is to bring people into fellowship (koinonia). This fellowship is three-fold; it is with God the Father, with Jesus, and with other believers. The dynamic purpose of fellowship is also mentioned in these verses; it is to make your joy complete.
Church is not meant to be spiritual entertainment, a pep rally or even a school for godly learning; it is much more than that. The gathering of God’s people is designed to bring us into the interaction of koinonia. When we experience it we have an ongoing explosion of joy unspeakable. That joy is not just momentary happiness but a sustained flow of deep satisfaction.
Our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. This koinonia comes through heartfelt worship, sincere prayer, reading His Word, and continually talking with Him. Our worship should be a romantic experience; we pour out our hearts in adoration and celebration with unreserved abandonment. As we do, something happens in the Spirit to make us one with Christ, and the Holy Spirit fills us with awe and wonder and overwhelming emotion. We experience love, holiness, revelation, purpose, and joy, all at the same time, and this koinonia makes us complete. That is having fellowship with God.

Fellowship does more than make us feel good. Through koinonia, God provides everything we need. It is the reason why entertainment-Church or TV Church are not the answer. Koinonia with other Christians cannot be found on TV even though the teaching may be good. Entertainment-designed church services may be enjoyable, and the energy of dramatic presentations may be wonderful, but that is still not koinonia. Real fellowship involves knowing one another, serving one another, and ministering together. This is why small groups and meeting in twos and threes are so important. Only there can you discover another member of your spiritual family. Then the needs of one another can be met and the service, encouragement, and personal growth becomes a reality. Every need is met when we fellowship with God and with one another.
There are five levels of fellowship mentioned in the Bible.
1. Fellowship in the Spirit Phil. 2:1. This is when we share the worship, revelation, gifts, and joy of the Holy Spirit with one another.
2. The fellowship of the Gospel Phil. 1:5. Witnessing, preaching, and bringing souls to Christ with a team is the best adventure of our lives.
3. The fellowship of ministering to the saints 2 Cor. 8:4. Meeting one another’s practical needs through prayer, service, and financial gifts is extremely satisfying.
4. The fellowship of the mystery Eph. 3:9. This is the revelation that the Church will become the fullness of Him who fills all in all. Through the Church, God will reveal His greatness to principalities and supernatural powers across the universe. Discussing this amazing mystery with other believers is far reaching.
5. The fellowship of His suffering Phil. 3:10. There is an intimate place of oneness with Christ that is only experienced when we endure the hardships of suffering with the Lord in the process of partnering with Him.
As worship, prayer, and study bring us into fellowship with God, serving and ministry with God’s people bring us into fellowship with one another. God’s plan involves us being drawn closer together in koinonia, but this can only happen as we minister together. The life of worship, prayer, and caring for the body of Christ produces immense value in our lives and it prepares us for eternity. Then we will completely understand and fully experience the joys of koinonia.
It has been said that a person has no friend like the one they had when they were 12. For many people that is true. Often, in our teen years, we think that we will have our special friend for life; we think the same in everything and we have such fun together. Then, as life has it, we may be separated as we go to a different school, or one family moves away. Years later we meet up and we are so excited to see our old friend. When we get together, however, we may discover that we don’t think the same anymore; in fact, we may have become opposites in our thinking, tastes, and behavior. Our fellowship is no longer great.
In the church family, the same thing can happen. If people are not faithful in attendance and fellowship with a Spirit-filled congregation they can easily miss out on life-changing messages and revelations. This happened to Thomas when he failed to be present when Christ appeared after the resurrection. Spiritual growth is not static and church congregations should continually grow under Bible-based, revelatory preaching.
Worship is personal but some high-point worship experiences will only be experienced in a congregational setting. The power of God can be manifested at such a dynamic level that worshippers will be transported from glory to glory. That will produce a supernatural increase of faith and boldness. When people maintain fellowship in the Spirit with those God has joined them to, the blessings never stop.
The end of the matter is clear. Be joined, as you are led by God, and become a committed member of a Spirit-filled church. Be consistent and enthusiastic with your worship, attendance, giving, service, and your fellowship so that you will become a spiritual family with other believers and please don’t hop around from congregation to congregation. Understand and enjoy the ever deepening reality of koinonia so that your joy may be full and you will be complete in Christ.
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Founder & President
Christian for Messiah Ministries
Pastor at Antioch International Church
Instructions in Righteousness is produced by “Christians for Messiah Ministries” (CFM). Dr. Peter Wyns is the President of CFM and the Head Pastor of Antioch International Church. He has served as a pastor for 54 years and ministered in more than 45 nations.
One Comment
Barbara Ann Redmond Israel
23 March 22, 2024