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 Everything that God does is purposeful; He is never aimless or unintentional. Throughout history His focus is always set. It was on Noah as he built an ark. It was on Abraham as he traveled from Ur of the Chaldees toward the Promised Land. His sharpened focus was on the deliverance of the children of Israel from Egypt. When Jesus came to earth, the focus of His purpose was on nothing else. From the announcement of His birth, to His death and resurrection, nothing was more important. As we rush toward the end of the age, God continues to show us His focus. Whenever we find the focus point of God’s purpose we discover the greatest event on earth. That is also the greatest thing that we can connect with. There we find supernatural miracles and unstoppable designs. If you want to live for God, search for the focus point of His purpose in every season.    

Always Look for God’s Focus Point

Searching for the focus point of God’s purpose will take great discernment. There are many who market sensationalism and popular Christian culture, but that does not mean they are in sync with God’s focus. If you seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, He will lead you to kingdom purpose. Do not be distracted or sell yourself short; always look for the focus point of God’s purpose on the earth. After Pentecost, people came from the surrounding towns and villages, by the thousands. They saw the focus point of God’s purpose in Jerusalem. Today, this is easier than ever. God’s attention is focused on many people and many events, and with technology you can drink from many wells of prophetic purpose. Always do your best to be part of a church that is focused on God’s prophetic purpose. Church should not be a self-focused, Christian bless-me club, but a community that follows God’s focused purpose

Always Seek the Government of God

The church will experience another reformation. Five hundred years ago we had a reformation of salvation. Martin Luther put the protestant reformation on the map when he proclaimed that salvation was by faith in Christ alone. The focus point of God was on that man, for that time, even though his teachings were not complete. In part, the church made a shift back toward its intentioned foundation.

The New Testament church was not just about salvation and that is why we need more reformation. We need a reformation of the Holy Spirit and we need an apostolic reformation. The early church was full of ministers and miracles. This reformation is God’s focus point for this season. It is preparation for the birthing of His end-time church.

To seek the government or kingdom of God one must first identify it, so they will know what to look for. The picture of God’s government is not one person leading a congregation, but a team of leaders with differing governmental

Always Seek the Government of God

The church will experience another reformation. Five hundred years ago we had a reformation of salvation. Martin Luther put the protestant reformation on the map when he proclaimed that salvation was by faith in Christ alone. The focus point of God was on that man, for that time, even though his teachings were not complete. In part, the church made a shift back toward its intentioned foundation.

The New Testament church was not just about salvation and that is why we need more reformation. We need a reformation of the Holy Spirit and we need an apostolic reformation. The early church was full of ministers and miracles. This reformation is God’s focus point for this season. It is preparation for the birthing of His end-time church.

To seek the government or kingdom of God one must first identify it, so they will know what to look for. The picture of God’s government is not one person leading a congregation, but a team of leaders with differing governmental gifts. There is always headship and senior leadership but Jesus gave some to be apostles, pastors, evangelists, teachers and prophets. Under the oversight of these leaders, many others lead and minister with a diversity of different operations and administrations. This extends beyond the walls of the church into the community and the marketplace.

It begins in the church, so do your best to be part of a church which promotes and equips the five-fold ministry gifts of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher. It is not just the names and titles, but true government gifting that is important. If these ministries are not present, the people may be great and the pastor may be outstanding, but the government of God is not what it should be. That lack of kingdom government will result in a lack of dynamic purpose and mission in the church and in the world.

Do not sell yourself short; do your best to always be part of a five-fold ministry church. Some congregations once dreamed of being a five-fold church but have wandered away from that goal. In doing so they wandered away from the government of God. It is a new day and those churches should return to God’s plan. Ultimately, that is where God’s focus point will be during this season. Press in to God’s end-time plan. His government has not changed (see Eph. 4:11, 1Co. 12:28).

Leadership Behavior

A focus on government and leadership can easily overlook the mandate of godly behavior. All leaders, including five-fold ministers, should serve as Christ, and the early apostles, instructed. They should never bully or boss people around or pontificate over others. Their place is one of tender care, humility, and service.

Always Aim for Godly Covenants

The church is under duress because of the lack of godly covenants. Many people float around from congregation to congregation looking for something but not finding it. Most do not have the right theology concerning the government of God so their philosophy and behavior is lacking.

Once you find a church that lines up with God’s focus you should then look for the joining of the Lord. Once God speaks to you about being part of a local church you should be a committed member. Kingdom people understand the principle of loyalty, faithfulness, unity, and covenant. I am not asking anyone to make some secret vow of covenant behind closed doors or even a public one. It is a matter of the heart. Wherever godly covenant exists a great blessing follows. It happens in marriage and family and in church life. It starts with making an eternal covenant with God. Then you covenant together with God’s people for the purpose of God’s focused plan. It is an amazing privilege to be part of the family of God. Your standing is tested and proven through dedication,   loyalty, responsibility, and committed service. We are called to prefer one another in love and watch over each another.

Always Look for Increase

Increase is a natural part of the kingdom of God. There should be increase and promotion in the church and in the personal lives of God’s people. It is our calling to bring forth much fruit. This increase should come in many ways.. We should see numbers increase, souls getting saved, and individuals growing in Christ.

Our personal growth means a character change so our behavior becomes more Christ-like. As more and more people minister we need more of God’s love, patience, and compassion so we will not mishandle others.

Personal growth and promotion also includes an increase of spiritual gifting and ministry. If one serves as a deacon they may become an elder, and if they do that with excellence they may become an evangelist, a prophet, a   pastor or an apostle. This increase is necessary for the focus point of God’s purpose to reach maturity. 

Connecting with God’s Focus

Let’s review this study. The high point of your life is connecting with God’s focus of purpose. So I encourage you to ask 4 questions and to seek the Lord for His direction. 1. Ask, what is God’s focused purpose for my life? 2. What is the focus point of His purpose on the earth during this season. 3. How can I connect with God’s purpose in the world. 4. How can I help my church congregation move in the focused purpose of God for this season? 

In conclusion, I ask you to always do these things. 1. Always look for God’s focus point of purpose on the earth.     2. Always look for and be part of a five-fold ministry church (where possible). 3. Always aim to establish godly covenants and be faithful to them, if possible. 4. Always be fruitful as a church and as individual ministers by exercising the gifts of the Holy Spirit. 

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